Shengshi Group Global Logistics(USA) Qingdao TZL International Logistics Co., Ltd美国清关与港口卡车派送、DDUDDPDAP、 |
Clearfreight Shengshi Group was first established in San Francisco as a customs broker in 1973. Its headquarter is located in Los Angeles, USA. It focuses on one-stop service of customs clearance, transportation and warehousing in all ports in the United States. As a local customs clearance company in the United States, it has more than 50 years of customs clearance experience and a self-operated green card Chinese customs clearance team. In 2003, it obtained the certification of the Customs Trade Anti-Terrorism Cooperation Organization (C-TPAT). We established Shengshi GROUP in 2007, and started bulk cargo, combined cargo and long-distance transportation services across the United States. Today we have more than 300 self-operated trailers and kickstands all over the United States. We have overseas warehouses in Los Angeles, New York, Houston, Dallas, Savannah, Chicago, Atlanta and other places, with a total area of 400,000 square feet. There are multiple offices in China to provide effective assistance to customers in coping with complex market demands. We always adhere to the customer demand-oriented and provide the most professional and excellent customs declaration and logistics services.
FSC 审核时间2024-03-13 |
企业名称 青岛盛世通洲国际货运代理有限公司已认证 |
信用代码91370211MA3WMMXL3P |
成立时间2021-04-16 |
注册地址山东省青岛市黄岛区九连山路2号内研发中心A座7层B室 |
企业法人丁岩 |
注册资金500 万元 |
员工人数40 |
产品类别认证报关物流等企业 |
经营范围一般项目:国际货物运输代理;集装箱销售;集装箱维修;普通货物仓储服务(不含危险化学品等需许可审批的项目)。(除依法须经批准的项目外,凭营业执照依法自主开展经营活动)许可项目:货物进出口;技术进出口;国际道路货物运输。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动,具体经营项目以相关部门批准文件或许可证件为准) |
企业名称青岛盛世通洲国际货运代理有限公司 |
英文名称Shengshi Group Global Logistics(USA) Qingdao TZL International Logistics Co., Ltd |
办公地址青岛市黄岛区九连山路2号鑫江中心A座7楼B室 |
办公电话+86-0532-81805447 |
所在地区山东省 |
注册资金500 万元 |
成立时间2021-04-16 |
企业性质民营企业 |