2024第22届日本国际压铸展览会 (J-DEC 2024)
时间2024-11-14 至 2024-11-16 | 地点Japan |
Japan Die Casting Association
Japan Die Casting Association organizes the Japan Die Casting Congress & Exposition biannually for the purpose of the sound development of the die casting businesses and related industries and to provide the latest information in the field most efficiently. The Association looks forward to the participation of as many exhibitors and other businesses as is possible.
We open the official website exclusively for the Japan Die Casting Congress & Exposition. We would like to take this opportunity to call the Japan Die Casting Congress & Exposition to J-DEC in 2018. The Association looks forward to your continuing patronage and support of the event under the new name.
Japan Die Casting Exposition : Admission Free
The admission to our exhibition requires advance registration. The information on how to pre-register will be uploaded on this website in mid-August.
Exhibitors are granted free admission to New Product & Technology Seminar.
Admission fee required for Japan Die Casting Congress and Kaizen Report Meeting.
压铸锻造区: 各类铝、镁、锌、铜合金压铸件
相关设备: 熔炼设备;各种冷室/热室压铸机(铝、锌 、铜、镁合金压铸机);各种液压机、油压机周边设备及配件;差压铸造涂料;熔模铸造;精密铸造(专用合金及蜡料);压铸模具;工艺控制及挤压铸造;低压铸造;重力金属模铸造;离心铸造;连续铸造;壳型铸造;消失模铸造;
处理设备: 砂处理设备;落砂设备;造型制芯设备;抛喷丸清理强化设备;金属型铸造设备;熔炼烧注设备;熔模设备;输送设备;检测设备;时效处理设备;涂料设备;型芯烘干设备;特种铸造设备;铸造用炉及配件;燃烧器及铁嘴;无损探伤;耐火材料;铸造材料;铸造用树脂、铸造修补材料及设备等辅助产品;控制设备;测试仪器(测温仪等)。3、锻造设备;模锻设备;自由锻设备;挤压、回转成形、切断、弯曲扭转成型设备;机械压力机;自动锻压机;液压机;自动成型设备;普通成型设备;锻锤;锻机;剪切机;弯曲校正机;卷料板材开卷校平设备;铆接机;其它锻造设备及配件;锻造用工业炉窑及节能技术;锻造自动化控制设备。4、铸、锻件产品:各种用途优质铸件(汽车、摩托车用铸件、铸阀门、灰口铸件、球墨铸件、可锻铸件、铸钢件、合金铸件、精密铸件、压铸件、轧辊、铸铁管、钢锭模、艺术铸件、耐磨铸件、有色及特种铸件),灰铁、球墨铸铁等。
Japan Die Casting Association
Room 502, Kikai Shinko Kaikan Building
3-5-8 Shibakoen, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0011
E-mail: jdcasomu@diecasting.or.jp